The Aquino Center
The Aquino Museum, located in the Hacienda Luisita, Tarlac, Philippines, is dedicated to the memory and heroism of the late Senator Benigno Aquino, whose fatal assassination led to the flowering of the People Power Movement in the Philippines in the mid 80s. Enlarged murals in black and white photographs highlight the key events.
LUNA DESIGN PARTNERS were asked to collaborate with Architect Dan Lichauco in developing the Institutional Identification system of the museum, which included the logo ID, spatial development, lobby graphics, way finding graphics, timeline graphics, exhibition presentation of relics and recreation of the cell while the late senator Aquino was in detention in a military camp.

Museum Identity Graphics. The symbol of the bird and the lamp as the lexicon for freedom and enlightenment.
Enlarged murals in black and white photographs highlight the key events that led up to the successful political leadership shift in the country.
The museum was divided into sections. This section features selected photographs annotating the phenomenal rise of the Philippine's youngest senator and political maverick.
A special exhibit features the recreation of the late Senator's prison cell where he was incarcerated for the most part of the martial law years. Random cut-outs in varying degrees of height, shape and size are designed to conform to the viewer's comfort as they take a peek of the interior.
The inside view of the prison cell was recreated to give the viewers a feel of his cubicle and the incarceration experience.
A moment in history where two million people went to the streets to pay tribute to the fallen hero. This section of the exhibition marks that event with a 180 degree view of the late Senator's funeral procession depicted in a black and white photo mural. Central to this section is the glass viewing case holding the last objects and personal belonging of the Senator when he took off on his final journey.
The historic photograph. August 21, 1983. A mark in the nation's political timeline, and this image becomes the iconic symbol for the spur to change. This wall panel was one of the 24 timeline panels that were designed and mounted for this museum exhibition.